Alkemy terminology that is important for every developer to understand before consuming the Alkemy API

Access, and Keys, and Identifiers


The X-API-Key is an identifier used for making an API call. Think of this as a secret key used to authenticate calls to the Alkemy API. API Keys can be retrieved by emailing [email protected]. Your API key should be kept secret and rotated if it is ever compromised. Email us and we'll rotate the keys for you.


A strategy, defined by a strategy_id parameter is an identifier required by the Alkemy's API to uniquely identify yourself. It must be provided for all API calls. Your strategy_id can be retrieved by emailing [email protected].


The Client defined by a client_id is created in Alkemy's backend automatically once a strategy is created. This is almost invisible to you for now. You can create multiple strategies.


The Subscriber, defined by a subscriber_id represents any subscriber who follows a strategy. To learn more about Subscribers, visit Get subscribers

Events & Transactions


Some brokerages or investment platforms may refer to a transaction as an event. Alkemy considers these to be the same concept, so treat them as such when invoking the Alkemy API.


Transactions refer to an event trigger like placing, cancelling, replacing, or executing an order. Each of these objects are referred to as a transaction. A transaction will always carry one of the following states: 'Accepted', 'Executed', 'Canceled', 'Replaced', or 'Failed'.

"On-Chain" transactions

On-chain transactions are extremely common among traders when an initial order's state is changed for any reason. For example, an order can start as 'Accepted' and then later is 'Replaced' manually or due to algorithmic logic. Both of these transactions will carry their own unique order IDs, but remain in a single chain.

Deleting your account

To delete your Alkemy Developer account, contact us at [email protected]. Note that deleting your account is irreversible.